Autographs of “The Rite of Spring” at the National Library of Russia


At the Department of Manuscripts of the National Library of Russia, among Igor Stravinsky’s autographs, there are kept several drafts of orchestration of the ballet The Rite of Spring (collection 746, № 101). To date, only one piece of the manuscript (p. 1) has been reproduced in the book by Svetlana Savenko Mir Stravinskogo (The World of Stravinsky; 2001) with minimal comments. Meanwhile, undated sketches of the score are of great interest to researchers because they allow to look into the composer’s creative laboratory and observe the process of birth of the orchestral masterpiece The Rite of Spring. Attribution of all the fragments of the manuscript, description and interpretation of the important points of differences compared to the printed version of the score, as well as the history of the appearance of the document in the National Library of Russia and the establishment of the name of its former owner — these are the tasks that the author of this article tries to resolve.


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