The Ballet “Little Zaches Сalled Cinnabar” by N. N. Karetnikov in the Context of European Cultural Tradition


The article elaborates on the content and score of the ballet “Little Zaches Сalled Cinnabar” by Moscow composer Nikolai N. Karetnikov. On the basis of the notes (the published clavier and two copyrighted manuscripts of the score, as well as the composer’s epistolary heritage) the peculiarities of the content of the ballet, which embodies the motives of the old carnival tradition, are revealed. The concept of ballet music included the particularities of artistic thinking, formed under the influence of the non‑classical direction of European culture, which also included creative systems such as G. Mahler’s symphonic concept, F. M. Dostoevsky’s polyphonic novel and A. Schoenberg’s twelve‑tone technique. Also, the study reveals the peculiarities of the implementation of carnival motifs in the film “Bad Anecdote” by A. Alov and V. Naumov, the musical basis of which became fragments of the score of the ballet “Little Zaches”.


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