The Sacred Concerto by Vassily Pashkevich


The article is devoted to the sacred choral concerto by Vassily Pashkevich (Paskevich) set to the three initial verses of the 94th Psalm “Come, Let us Rejoice in the Lord”. Until recently, it was known about five lost concertos by the composer, listed in the catalogue of the music store of G. N. Reinsdorp and I. Kerzelli (1806). Now the sixth concerto by Pashkevich has been discovered; the music, fortunately, survived. In the collection of St. Petersburg origin from the funds of the Russian National Museum of Music, there is a bass part, which contains an indication of the author of the music, as well as two tenor parts, written in “round” (or “Italian”) notation, typical of the Classical period. Due to analysis of sources, the concerto dates back from the late 1770s to the early 1780s. To reconstruct the full four‑part score manuscript sources, originating from cathedrals of Cherepovets and Verhovazhie were used. In both of them the concerto “Come, Let us Rejoice unto the Lord” is anonymous and written in the earlier “square” (or “Kiev”) notation. The score of the concerto is presented in the Appendix of this paper. Some peculiarities of the manuscript sources and discrepancies between different copies of the parts are examined. The verbal text and the music of the concerto are considered. The article also provides an overview of Pashkevich’s choral work.


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