Andrew Lloyd Webber in the “Dialogues” with R. Wagner and G. Verdi (from the Works of the 1970–2000s)


The article characterizes the significant feature that is inherent to the evolution of genres of musical and musical film during 1970–2000s. It is a process of gradual rapprochement of the named popular genres with academic ones (especially with opera). Multiple dialogues (interfaces and interactions) which culminate in the creative works by the English composer Andrew Lloyd Webber (b. 1948) facilitated this process. The author of the article refers to some of Lloyd Webber’s works in which an important place belongs to the above-mentioned dialogues with the creative legacy of R. Wagner and G. Verdi: the rock opera Evita (1978) and the musical Phantom of the Opera (1986), as well as their screen versions (1996 and 2004, directed by A. Parker and J. Schumacher). In particular, the most important roll-calls of these works with operas Der fliegende HolländerGötterdämmerung (at the level of conception of the whole and the most important scenes), LohengrinLa TraviataIl TrovatoreDon Carlos (dramaturgical, genre and stylistic parallels, intonation and thematic relationship) are identified.


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