Petrus Frater. Ars musicae


At the beginning of the 11th century in the Northern Italy an anonymous monk has written a treatise (untitled, with the incipit “Musicae artis disciplina”) which exerted a notable influence on Guido of Arezzo. Earlier this work has been attributed to Odo of Cluny, at present the Anonymous is usually labeled “Pseudo-Odo”. The author expounds division of monochord, letter octave notation (with octave-identical pitch classes and Gamma, maybe for the first time), consonantiae (6 melodic intervals plus octave); the central matter is the formal composition of plainchant.
This publication includes the Russian translation of the treatise and the new edition of its (Latin) original, with Apparatus criticus and extensive comments. Focus points of the editor's introductory article are source identification (author, title, date) and interrelations between Petrus Frater (the supposed author of Musicae artis disciplina), Michael Frater (the supposed author of Dialogus de musica, another anonymous treatise of the same time and provenance, traces of which are clearly seen in Guidonian texts), and Guido of Arezzo himself.


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11. Commentum Einsidlense in Donati Artem maiorem / ed. H. Hagen // Anecdota Helvetica. Leipzig: Teubner, 1870. P. 219–266. (Grammatici Latini. Supplementum.)

12. De Nardo L. L. Il “Dialogus de musica”. Udine: Forum, 2007. 178 p.

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15. Lexicon musicum Latinum / hrsg. v. M. Bernhard. Fasz. 5. München: Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2001. Col. 481–640 (продолжающееся издание).

16. Lexicon musicum Latinum / hrsg. v. M. Bernhard. Fasz. 9. München: Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2007. Col. 1–160 (продолжающееся издание).

17. Lipphardt W. u. a. Notation // Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Bd. IX. Kassel; Basel: Bärenreiter, 1961. Sp. 1595–1667.

18. Marvin E. W., Laprade P. Relating musical contours: Extensions of a theory of contour // Journal of Music Theory 31 (1987). P. 225–267.

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20. Page C. The Boethian Metrum “Bella bis quinis”: a New Song From Saxon Canterbury // Boethius: His Life, Thought and Influence / ed. by M. Gibson. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1981. P. 306–311.

21. Ryan B. The Anonymous “Musicae artis disciplina”. A Critical Edition. Ph. D. thesis. University of Toronto, 2013. 190 p. (используемое сокращение — Ryan).

22. Scriptores ecclesiastici de musica sacra potissimum / e d. M. Gerbert. Vol. I. St. Blasien: Typis San Blasianis, 1784. 350 p. (используемое сокращение — GS).

23. S. Gregorii Magni vita, auctore Joannde Diacono // Patrologia Latina. T. LXXV. Parisiis: J.-P. Migne, 1849. Сol. 59–242.

24. Sedulius Scottus. In Donati Artem maiorem / e d. B. Löfstedt. Turnholt: Brepols, 1977. Р. 3–390. (Corpus christianorum. Continuatio mediaevalis. Vol. 40B.)

25. Snyder J. Pitch and Pitch Relationships in “Musicae artis disciplina”: Letter Notation, Species, and Contour Theory // Theoria. Vol. XVII. Denton (Texas), 2010. P. 17–57.