Thomas Tallis: Numeric Secret of Name


The article deals with a practical embodiment of the aesthetic idea of the Russian philosopher A. F. Losev about music as “life of Numbers in Time”, by means of analysis of unique case of numerical symbols in Renaissance music used in motet Spem in alium of English composer Thomas Tallis. Gematria (numerical meaning) of his name influences the choice of compositional technique and is closely associated with different types of mensural notation. It’s been evaluated three mensural pairs, possible when reading the score: Tempus imperfectum — Prolatio minor, Modus imperfectus — Tempus imperfectum и Maximodus perfectus — Modus imperfectus. On the base of documents of the epoch and testimonies of contemporaries, the article briefly describes the history of creation of motet Spem in alium and musical sources of modern score. In addition to the specific only for this composition gematric numerical symbols, the “sacred” numerical symbols common to the style of that epoch are also considered. It is shown, how on this base, Thomas Tallis, as a true demiurge, created a unique sound microcosm, and how the numbers that make up the name of the musician support the architectonics of the work.

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