“A Life Devoted to Harp.” Vera Dulova as a Recipient of the USSR State Prize


In 1973, the prominent Russian harpist Vera G. Dulova (1909–2000) was awarded the USSR State Prize in the field of music and concert performance. Among Russian harpists, this is the first and so far the only case of being awarded such a high title. The article, based on archival materials, for the first time examines in detail the history of awarding the USSR State Prize to Dulova at different stages: from application to the award ceremony. Along the way, the work of the Prize Award Committee is examined, the assessment procedure itself and the regulations for its implementation are studied, other works and their authors nominated for the State Prize together with V. Dulova are presented, the reasons for their rejection are considered, and more. Along with that, for the first time a new fact is being introduced in scientific use related to the awarding of the Stalin Prize to V. Dulova in 1953. The materials about this event are studied, the specifics of the situation around the prize after the death of I. Stalin are revealed, the fates of the “non-premium” laureates are considered, etc. The research carried out within the framework of this article and its results allow us today to take 
a new light at the Vera Dulova art in the context of Soviet time and in the conditions of the activity of communistic state authorities.


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