Gluck and Handel: The Ways of Transmission of the Tradition in the 18th Century Music


The article discusses the possible contacts between the two composers during Gluck’s stay in London in
the years 1745–1746 (including a joint concert March 25, 1746), the personalities of the singers who worked
in different years with both composers (in particular, Giulia Frasi and Gaetano Guadagni), as well as cases
of direct borrowing by Gluck of some Handel’s themes and general influence of Handel’s style on Gluck’s
reform operas. The author discusses, in particular, the parallels between the “Admetus” of Handel and
“Alceste” of Gluck and between the aria “Aure, deh, per pieta” from “Julius Caesar in Egypt” by Handel
and the first aria of Orpheus from Gluck’s opera “Orpheus and Eurydice”. This influence must be linked not
only with Gluck’s reverence of the senior master, but also with the cult of Handel, established in Germany
in the second half of the 18th century.


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