The Status of the Art Object in Russian Philosophy of Pan-Unity


The article analyzes the aesthetics emerged in Russian philosophy of pan-unity under the influence of German philosophy (Fichte, Schelling, Hegel). According to V. S. Solovyov’s aesthetic concept, the phenomenon receives the status of the art object if it demonstrates the anticipation of future pan-uniting, absolutely whole state of the world. This object has a high level of integrity and perfection. According to S. L. Frank’s concept, Absolute (Pan-Unity) is understood not as the final state of the world, but as its permanent base. Being in unity with the Absolute the person can open Absolute as the basis of his being (in the act of intuition). In natural objects man does not see a common absolute basis, but the art is able to represent an object so that absolute foundation of all that exists becomes evident in it; in this case the category of beauty and perfection loses its central importance. According to Frank’s aesthetics, art necessarily has mystical, religious depth.


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