The First Publication of Heinrich Schenker’s theory ("Der Geist musikalischen Technik", 1895)


Both the structure and the content of the earliest of Schenker’s published articles — ​«The spirit of musical technique» (1895) — ​is something of a prospect of his future trilogy (Harmonielehre, 1906; Kontrapunkt, 1910; Der freie Satz, 1935). The said article, being a detailed version of Schenker’s report in the Philosophical Society of Vienna University, shows Schenker’s interest in philosophical and aesthetic range of problems of the musical art. The other significant feature of Schenker’s theoretical thinking is an inclination towards deep psychological reasoning of purely structural patterns of music language («technique»). From the named points of view the following problems are discussed: the origins of music, the border between the natural and the artificial (i. e. human) in music. In the light of the latter opposition the history of music is considered by Schenker as a process of gradual manifestation of the essence of music, in the course of which its elemental force («spirit») finds adequate ways («technique») of self-affirmation in the situation of inevitable compromise between the natural and the artificial. The special subject of Schenker’s article are the following: the historical role of Word and the role of repetition principle in formation of the articulating methods of the music language. Harmony and counterpoint are also considered by the theorist as necessary points in establishment and affirmation of the music proper in music in historically determined forms.


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