Gregorian Semiology as a Method of Modal Identification in Early and Renaissance Polyphony


The modal identification in the early and Renaissanse polyphony is one of the most important and complicated scientific problems. The early polyphony goes back to Gregorian chant, therefore the study of the polyphonic modality begins with Gregorian modality. However, Gregorian chants mutate (in terms of transposition and transmodalisation) both on their own and as cantus firmus in the modal polyphony. Therefore, Gregorian modality is not a reliable criterion of modal determination in the early polyphony. Because of the connection of modality to rhythm, the author of the article proposes a new method: the investigation of modality in the early polyphony using the Gregorian semiology by Eugène Cardine —  the doctrine about rhythmic and articulative aspects of the neumatic notation. As an example there is a modal analysis of G. P. da Palestrina’s mass “Ecce Sacerdos magnus”.


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