The Art of Music and Vanitas


In this article the words from the Book of Ecclesiastes about «vanity of vanities» (vanitas) are interpreted as one of the important sacred subjects of the European art of the 16th–18th centuries. The reflections on the subject unified artists and musicians, Protestants and Catholics, Italians and inhabitants of northern European countries. The emblematic of pictorial canvas is explained and the range of subjects associated with the idea of frailty of life is outlined. Special attention is focused on the canons set to the text Vanitas Vanitatum by Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck: the drastic pessimism of the Biblical book’s author was not congenial to the great composer — ​his faith in the saving power of music which deliver man from vanity of this world justified the musician’s work and gave meaning to it in the master’s own opinion as well as in the opinion of his numerous pupils.


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