On False Marker-Pointers: Musical Strategies in Films by Tarantino


The language of music in its cognitive specifics is the main conceptual object of this paper. Soundtracks from Tarantino’s films have been chosen as the basic material for this research which may be considered as a new aspect of investigation on Tarantino’s creative works. The core of this paper is based on intersection of music-theoretical, social-cultural, and psychological approaches to the problem. The concept of marker-pointer as communicative and psychotechnical method has been introduced by the author. The specific points of application of such a method to classical and contemporary sound dramaturgy have been disclosed. Issues of stereotypes, usage of quotations and allusions, ethnic stylization and the film director’s message are considered in the context of Tarantino’s films. The musical expressive effects of the poly-pitch sound have been exposed and analyzed on the basis of the practical experiments carried out by the author.


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