The authority of Yu. N. Kholopov as an outstanding scholar obtained in his lifetime has gained new dimension during 20 years that have passed since his death, due to the publication of his fundamental works earlier unprinted. His depth makes us think about the background that fostered natural gift of the musician. Being a native of the Russian province, Kholopov traveled a path that is quite representative for Russia. The way in which rising from peasant ancestors to intellectual heights of capital and world scientific thinking took place is the issue not only of personal biography of Kholopov but of Russian culture specifics as well. Folk song, church singing and classical art interlaced in his musical formation. It is notable that representatives of classics — from enlightened amateurs to highly educated professionals — due to various historic reasons were not only concentrated in big cities but were also scattered through the enormous country. The triunity indicated had direct influence on the formation of Kholopov’s musical perception. Up to 50 people gathered in the family choir of the branched family of Kholopovs- Starikovs, and children from the early age got immersed into the choir polyphony. Parents virtually all their lives sang in a church choir (in parallel with their basic occupation) and were able to conduct choristers. The development of musical education in post-revolutionary years (prepared by the work of Ryazan musical society), the establishment of music schools and Ryazan music college (with graduates of capital conservatories among educators) enabled serious professional training. Energy that emerged thanks to the fusion of these profound powers led Kholopov to the space of world musical science.
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