Russian Swiss Jacques Handschin (1886, Moscow — 1955, Basle) is known today as a prominent Western
musicologist of the middle 20th century, specialist for Western European medieval studies. The modern
researchers are also about Handschin’s interest in music of Byzantium’s studies informed, but the background
of this interest recently still remained unstudied. This article put two Handschin’s letters to the great German
Byzantinologist Karl Krumbacher into the scientific circulation. These documents have recently in the
Bavarian National Library (Munich) been founded. They dated from the 1908 summer and autumn. Young
Handschin (who was only 22 years old) turned to the prominent specialist, asking him about a topic for his
doctor dissertation as well as, possibly, about scientific protection. The letters show, that the thinking about
academic (what’s more, philological, not musical) Byzantium studies lay at the origins of Jacques Handschin’s
scientific mentality, when he still lived and worked in Russia, — in Moscow, then in St. Petersburg. The next
events of his life didn’t let him become Byzantinologist. Nevertheless this science — as material as well as
a special way of scientific thinking — determined Handschin’s scientific style to a large extent: the style,
which interests modern researchers in his works a lot. As well, the Byzantium studies became Handschin’s
way back to Russia. It is no coincidence, till the end of his life he signed his works as “Jacques Handschin,
Basle, formerly, St. Petersburg”.
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