Alban Berg and Richard Strauss: Paradoxes of Reception


The article is devoted to the problem of Alban Berg’s reception of personality and creativity of Richard Strauss, one of the greatest composers of the 1st half of the 20th century.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Richard Strauss became one of the leaders of European modernism and possesses absolute authority in the Schönberg circle, which confirms the pilgrimage of the newcomers to the Austrian premiere of Salome in Graz in 1906.
The turn to classicism in the opera Rosenkavalier (1911) was interpreted by Shoenbergians as a betrayal of modernism. Strauss no longer shared the expressionist ideals of his younger contemporaries, and in the 1920s he sharply criticized the Atonalists, calling them “Bolsheviks”. The change of paradigms in the works and aesthetic views of Strauss Berg took it with regret, the enthusiastic attitude to the idol changes to a sharply critical one. The works of Strauss become the subject of mockery and sarcasm, as evidenced by the memoirs of Soma Morgenstern. Nevertheless, it is possible to speak of the two lines of the Straussian reception by Berg. Externally, the attitude towards him is undergoing evolution and enthusiastic admiration for denial and hostility. At the same time, it was in his mature years that Berg, perhaps unaware, reproduces many figurative and compositional archetypes of his work. Obvious parallels Salome — Lulu, Sinfonia domestica— Lyric Suite, Alpine Symphony— unfinished play Night. Nocturne and much more.
The article is based on a wide range of sources and archival materials, including letters, diaries, draft manuscripts, notes, sketches.


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