The Double-Choir “Heilig” by C. P. E. Bach BR-CPEB F 77: An Unknown Pasticcio of 1785


The article focuses on the first study of the source found in the Foreign Books Department of the National Library of Russia. The printed booklet contains the original text of the work performed in the Dreyfaltigkeitskirche in Berlin in 1785 under Johann Christoph Kühnau (1735–1805), a cantor and music director. It is revealed, that the libretto gives evidence of a hitherto unknown Pasticcio compiled from the famous “Heilig” for double choir by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714–1788) and his Aria “Wie prächtig wird dein Lob erschallen”, as well as some movements from the Oratorio “Das Weltgericht” and “Te Deum” by J. C. Kühnau. Based on the research of the existing letters, manuscripts, and other sources along with the printed text of 1785 the conclusion about Kühnau’s role in distribution and popularization of vocal works by “Hamburg Bach” in the late 18th century is drawn. One more important fact concerning the early reception history of “Heilig” BR-CPEB F 77 is added to our knowledge of its performances during the author’s life-time.


The author of the article expresses her thanks to the librarians of the National Library of Russia for their help in the research of the sources and the kind permission for the facsimile reproduction of the text under the shelfmark Besides, the author is grateful to Andrew Talle (USA) and Rashid-S. Pegah (Germany) for their assistance in getting necessary materials.


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