International Musicology during World War II (Based on Epistolary Sources of the 1940s)


This article continues the series of studies on the history of international musicology in the 1930s and 1940s. The split in German musicology after 1933 led to the formation of warring groups within the professional community. Communication between representatives of these groups ceased even in the activities of the International Musicological Society (IMS) who continued its work during the World War II. Thanks to the efforts of some neutral musicologists who have taken on the role of mediators, the international musicology has retained the possibility of exchanging information (usually, not directly). As in-person meetings were difficult or not possible at all, the most part of communication went into correspondence. The study of the correspondence of musicologists,— above all, the epistolary of such important mediators of international science as Knud Jeppesen (Denmark), Higini Anglès (Spain), and Jacques Handschin (Switzerland),— reveals the mechanisms by which our predecessors preserved (even if in a reduced and internally transformed form) the integral communicative space of international science during the years of world turbulence.


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