String Trio of Yefim Golyshev in the Context of the Ideas of Early Integral Serialism


The article considers the method of the twelve-tone composition of Yefim Golyshev, who in the 1910s stood at the origins of not only serial but also integral serial music. On the example of the String Trio (1914), the only survived composition by Golyshev, the features of his compositional technique are shown, the principles of pitch and rhythmic organization are revealed. A constructive unit in Golyshev’s system is a twelvetone chromatic field (complex), containing different duration values, in which there is no strict ordering of tones. The concept of Golyshev’s “Zwölftondauer-Musik” is compared with the early serial experiments that have arisen in post-war Europe. By drawing parallels between the String Trio and the compositions by Olivier Messiaen and Karel Goeyvaerts the author of the article accents the importance of autonomy of individual parameters as the starting point for the further development of the serial idea.


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