The article represents the critical survey of different views on Ockeghem’s output that were developed in musicological studies of XIX–XX centuries. In the earliest concept of Ockeghem’s music, elaborated by such scholars as J. N. Forkel, G. Baini and R. G. Kisewetter, the accent was put on the technical aspects of his art — e.g., on the tradition of “riddle canons”. This view also dominated in the Russian musicology of XIX – beginning of the XX century. The new, ‘mystical’ and ‘irrational’, image of Ockeghem’s music was formulated by H. Besseler in the early thirties of the XX century and was elaborated later by some of his pupils (P. H. Lang, R. Stephan, M. Bukofzer, E. Lowinsky). In the late sixties new concept arose, which was mainly concentrated on the problems of proportions and number symbolism (W. Elders, M. Henze and others). In this period the ‘rational’ image of Ockeghem prevailed over ‘mystical’ and ‘irrational’ one. In our days we see the process of integration of different ideas, different views on Ockeghem’s music into one unified, though complex and polyphonic, image of the master, whose art was equally rational and mystical (L. Bernstein).
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