Johann Joahim Quantz. Versuch einer Anweisung die Flöte traversiere zu spielen. Das XII. Hauptstück. Von der Art das Allegro zu spielen

Translation and Сommentary by Ekaterina Dryazzhina

The series of extracts from J. J. Quantz’s treatise that are closely related to performance practice is continued in this publication. The Twelfth Chapter of the treatise contains recommendations on the performance of fast pieces, concerning articulation, phrasing, breathing, rhythm, usage of embellishments. The author of Versuch distinguishes some species of fast pieces regarding expressiveness and explains their peculiarities.


1. Насонов Р. А. Музыкальная риторика Иоганна Иоахима Кванца // Научный вестник Московской
консерватории. 2013. № 1. С. 162–168.

2. [Quantz J. J.] Essai d’une méthode pour apprendre à jouer de la flute traversière: avec plusieurs
remarques pour servir au bon goût dans la musique le tout éclairci par des exemples et par
xxiv. tailles douces. Berlin: Chretien Frederic Voss, 1752. [XVI], 336, [18] p.

3. Quantz J. J. On Playing the Flute: The Classic of Baroque Music Instruction / transl. with notes
and introduction by E. R. Reilly. 2nd ed. L.: Faber and Faber, 1985. XLIII, 412 p.