Order of the Golden Fleece: Music and Ceremonial (1431–1559)


The article reveals a small part of the musical history of the world-famous Order of the Golden Fleece. It tells the story of the creation of the Order, as well as describes the customs of the musical arrangement of meetings of its gentlemen. On the basis of surviving descriptions of the so-called Feast of the Pheasant the author makes assumptions about the music that accompanied it. The documents that tell of the solemn meeting in Brussels in 1501 give rise to the suggestion that Guillaume Dufay’s lost Requiem could sound on it. It is also supposed that the motet “Ut Phoebi radiis” by Josquin Depre was written specifically for the Brussels meeting of the Order. The article also contains brief description of the Order meeting, held in 1531 in Tournai.


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