On the Specificity of A. F. Losev’s View on Research of Art, Including Music


The article is a commentary to Alexey Losev’s text, written in 1929 in the context of teaching problems of Moscow Conservatory and giving specific Losev’s point of view on all complex of art disciplines. Specific character of Losev’s using of the terms “aesthetics”, “music aesthetics”, “sociology of art”, “musicology” etc. is analysed, such as specific character of all Losev’s system of “aesthetic disciplines”, presented in the publishing text. The conclusion is the specific feature of Losev’s methodology of art research. The work was carried out with the support of Russian Foundation for Humanities, the project № 14-03-00376.


1. Лосев А. Ф. Очерк о музыке // Форма — Стиль — Выражение / сост. А. А. Тахо-Годи, послесл. В. В. Бычкова, М. М. Гамаюнова. М.: Мысль, 1995. С. 637–666. (Библиотека «Философское наследие»).

2. Тахо-Годи Е. А. «Очерк о музыке» А. Ф. Лосева — исчезнувший и обретенный текст // Вопросы философии. 2015. № 9. С. 138–145.