Teacher, Student and Space “2.0”: Features of Changing Communicative Relations in Modern Music Pedagogy


Modification of the virtual space, which arose at the present stage of its development, — Web 2.0 (the term proposed by Tim O’Reilly) — opens up new wide opportunities for communication of musicians, including communication in the educational process. The article describes the structure of Web 2.0 and shows the influence of its services on the musical practice, in particular, the emergence of new models of professional and educational communication. Noted acceleration of professional contacts, the emergence of new forms of academic communication (including distance learning) and the fact that the availability of teaching aids, music scores and recordings, increased due to their placement in the network; therefore increased the possibility to open a public discussion of the problems of musical art and music education in specialized forums. Modern students have good skills in computer technology and can freely enjoy the rich potential of Web 2.0. It cannot be said about many of the teachers of the old school, who have a number of psychological problems with the transition to the new educational technology. Meanwhile, it should be borne in mind that at all times the talent of the teacher is not just to give the student the amount of knowledge, but to teach him thinking for themselves and navigate the changing information environment. The Web 2.0 technologies can only actualize this pedagogical approach.


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