Anne Pustlauk


Studied the  modern flute (artistic and pedagogic study) with  Prof. Renate Greiss-Armin at  the  Musikhochschule  Karlsruhe.  After  her  studies  of  the  modern flute she went to  Brussels to  study traverso with  Prof.  Dr.  Barthold Kuijken and  Frank Theuns at  the  Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel (Bachelor and  Master). She finished all  studies with  distinction. Anne Pustlauk was  awarded prizes in  several international  competitions  (Freundeskreiswettbewerb der  Musikhochschule Karlsruhe  2005, Internationaler Telemann Wettbewerb  2009, Van  Wassenaer Concours Utrecht  2009). She has  been  playing with  several renowned early music ensembles like La  Petite Bande, Anima Eterna,  L’Arpa  Festante or  B’Rock.  In 2011 she began artistic Doctoral research on the keyed flute, its repertoire and performance practice at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Anne Pustlauk currently assists Barthold Kuijken and Frank Theuns at the Koninklijk Conservatorium  Brussel.