Alfredo Casella’s Russian Diary. A Return Trip from St. Petersburg to Moscow


For the first time The Russian Diary was published in the Italian daily newspaper «La Tribuna» in January 1927. It was written after a fortnight tour of Alfredo Casella, an Italian composer, pianist and public figure, in the Soviet Union. Casella was the first Italian musician who paid an official visit to this country after the October Revolution. It’s the first time when the Diary is published in Russian.


1. Варунц В. Альфредо Казелла о посещении Ясной Поляны // Музыкальная жизнь. 1978. № 16. C. 16–17.

2. Прокофьев о Прокофьеве. Статьи и материалы / Ред.-сост. В. Варунц. М.: Советский композитор, 1991. 285 с.

3. Casella A . Il mio diario russo // 21+26. A cura di A. C. Pellegrini. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 2001. P. 83–95.

4. Malipiero G. Cosi mi scriveva Alfredo Casella (1913–1946) // L`Approdo musicale. Vol. 1. (Jen.–mar. 1958). P. 20–53.