The Berlin Period in Vera Dulova’s Artistic Life: 1927–1929


The article discusses the Berlin period of the famous Russian harpist Vera Dulova, which lasted from 1927 to 1929. This period was of great importance for the subsequent work of the harpist and went far beyond the scope of training as such. The two years spent in the German capital formed a complex of main lines of activity, which was developed subsequently, and together with studies at Moscow Conservatory formed the second stage in Vera Dulova’s professional formation. The harpist was sent to Germany under the patronage of A. V. Lunacharsky and the Fund of Young Talents; she studied there under Max Saal. In this regard, the author of the article addresses the issues of the harp classes performing practice at Moscow Conservatory and Berlin Higher School of Music in the context of the Posse-Slepushkin method history and development. The concert performances of Vera Dulova in Berlin and other places are examined, her performance programs, collaboration with contemporary composers, archival and editorial work are analyzed, in addition, a few biographical details related to the biography of the harpist of that time receive coverage. The study is based on the Berlin letters of Vera Dulova, addressed to her relatives and friends, as well as other archival materials. It is they that contain a number of valuable factual data that make it possible for the first time to introduce into scientific use the historical accuracy of certain biographical events, as well as to determine a special source-study complex in matters of studying the work of the harpist


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