Cleonides. Harmonic Introductory


Harmonic Introduction by Cleonides is probably the most popular Ancient Greek text on music theory. Written in Aristoxe- nian tradition, it contains a full set of definitions (with brief explanations) related to harmonics, the leading discipline of the scientific mousike ramplex. The present paper includes preface (brief survey of 500 years of Cleonidian studies, review of authorship and dating problems) by Sergey Lebedev and the new Russian translation of Cleonides’ text (with explanatory notes) by Vyacheslav Tsypin.


1. Неизвестного автора Введение в гармонику / Пер. Г. А. Иванова // Филологическое обозрение. VII. Кн. I–II (Москва, 1894). С. 3–46, 181–230.

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3. Птолемей. Гармоника; Порфирий. Комментарий к Гармонике Птолемея / Издание подготовил В. Г. Цыпин. М.: Московская консерватория, 2013.

4. Antiquae musicae auctores septem, ed. Marcus Meibomius. Amstelodami, 1652.

5. Cleonidae harmonicum introductorium interprete Georgio Valla Placentino <...> Venetiis: Simon Bivilaqua, 1497.

6. Cleonidis isagoge // Musici scriptores Graeci, ed. Carl Jan. Lipsiae: Teubner, 1895.

7. Euclidis Rudimenta musices, ed. Johannes Pena. Parisiis, 1557.

8. L’Introduction harmonique de Cléonide <...>. Traduction française avec commentaire perpétuel par Ch.-E. Ruelle // Collection des auteurs grecs relatifs à la musique, No. 3. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1884.

9. Jan C. Die Harmonik des Aristoxenianers Kleoneides // Programm des Gymnasiums mit

Realklassen zu Landsberg a.W. Landsberg: Schäffer, 1870. S. 1–23.

10. Mathiesen Th. Apollo’s lyre. Greek music and music theory in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Lincoln & London: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1999.

11. Solomon J. Cleonides: Eisagōgē harmonikē: Critical edition, translation, and commentary. Diss., Univ. of North Carolina, 1980.

12. Strunk O. Source readings in music history from classical Antiquity through the Romantic era. N. Y.: W. W. Norton, 1950.

13. Strunk’s Source readings in music history. Vol. I: Greek views of music / ed. by Th. Mathiesen. N. Y.: W. W. Norton, 1998.

14. Zaminer F. Harmonik und Musiktheorie im alten Griechenland // Geschichte der Musiktheorie. Bd. II. Darmstadt: Wissenschafliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006. S. 47–246.