Copyists of D. S. Bortniansky’s Music Manuscripts in Italy and Russia


The article deals with the music copyists of the composer D. S. Bortniansky—G. Baldan (Venice) and L. Zanini (St. Petersburg). For a long time the work of people of this profession has been considered just secondary, not worth a special study. The author of the article for the first time attributed Baldan’s handwriting in copies of Bortniansky’s works of the Italian period, and also compiled a list of copies of the composer’s works made by Baldan and Zanini. The facts of Baldan’s biography, which have not yet been introduced into scientific use in Russian musicology, are given. The presented information increases our notion of Bortniansky’s circle of contacts and reveals his attitude to the quality of performances of musical copies of his works.


The author expresses gratitude to Pavel G. Serbin, artistic director of the early music orchestra Pratum Integrum, — for provision of photocopies of scores from the collection of British National Library.


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