Tchaikovsky’s First Recital in 1871. An Attempt of Reconstruction of Musical and Historical Event


The paper represents an attempt of reconstruction of outstanding event in the life of the world significant composer — the first recital of Peter Tchaikovsky held in Moscow on March 16/28 1871. The management of the concert and its perception by music critics are recreated in detail on the basis of all accessible documentary sources including printed memoirs, archival materials and periodical press. Tchaikovsky’s recital is taken up in the context of practice of benefit concerts widespread in Russia in the 19th  century. A special attention is paid to the formation of the program and clarifying the actual list of works which were performed, as well as names of musicians who participated in the concert. In the paper are cited previously unknown advertisement, announces and reviews. Also, financial results of the concert find its place in the whole picture of the event. The investigation of the recital opens the unknown Tchaikovsky’s translation of the poetic text for Émile Durand’s mélodie Comme à vingt ans (Like at the Age of Twenty) (this composer’s work still has not been considered). Presented attempt of research reconstruction of the first Tchaikovsky’s recital could be used by performers if they would like to reproduce this important event. 


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