Inna M. Iglitskaya


Inna M. Iglitskaya (1955–2019) — musicologist, pedagogue, member of European Confederation of Psychoanalytic  Psychotherapies. Born in Moscow, graduated from the Music History and Theory Department of Russian Gnessins Academy of Music and also from the Institute of Psychology and Psychoanalysis. In 1993–2004 taught polyphony in State Maimonides Classic Academy. Among published works — articles concerning symmetrical structures based on golden section in Bach’s fugues (1997, 2006, 2013), imitation form in Shakespeare’s comedy Much  Ado  About  Nothing,  works  of  the  composer I. Zhvanetskaya (1998, 2007), psychoanalytical interpretation of A. Chekhov’s short story The Official’s Death (2013). Collaborated in compiling of French-Russian Dictionary of  Music Terms (5 thousand terms; not  published). Prepared for publication the Polyphony Manual  by A. Chugaev  (2009), the  book of Memoirs about A. Chugaev (2010), the second edition of Chugaev’s book The structural peculiarities of keyboard fugues by Bach (2018). Ph.D. thesis (not completed): The Psychology of Dream and Its Characteristic Features in Works of Art.