André Maugars. Response to an Inquisitive Person on the Italian Feeling about Music, Wrote in Rome on 1st October 1639


The essential of the publication is the first full translation into Russian of an important document of the 17th century musical aesthetics, Response faite à un curieux sur le sentiment de la musique en Italie by the French viol player André Maugars. In 1638–39 Maugars lived in Rome, personally took part in the musical life of the city, attended numerous musical meetings and left colorful memories of them. Translation is provided with extensive comments and a large introductory article “A Letter from the Golden Age of Music and Its Author, an Extravagant Frenchman”. The explanations contained in them serve several purposes: (1) to elucidate the rich historiographic material of the letter by means of the present knowledge; (2) to characterize the personality of Maugars and to present his merits for the history of musical art; (3) to set forth possible reasons for Maugars’ residence in Rome and to trace the influence they could have on Maugars’ judgement on Italian and French music presented in the letter; (4) to designate the place of Maugars’ letter in the history of the French musical aesthetics; and 5) to outline the aesthetic nature of the Roman music in the era of Urban VIII.


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