Innovative Methodological Ways of Using Modern Electronic Devices for the Purpose of Ear Training and Music Fundamentals


This paper continues the subject of methodological application of visual and auditory potential of mobile devices (including interactive projectors and portative media-systems). The paper also shows some possibilities of combinations of e-learning elements with traditional forms of classroom transactions in ear training and other theoretical disciplines (the launch of this study can be seen in the recent author’s publication in: Journal of Moscow Conservatory. 2016. №2). The author has found various models of combinations for demonstration devices using them with music applications for mobile devices such as instruments-simulators and music editors. Some how-to-models for combining electronic devices in order to undertake e-learning session within classroom group courses have been described. Methodological models for using the reviewed devices aimed at the acquisition of music skills in basic sections of music theory and ear training (modal scales, chords, music temperaments, rhythmical patterns) as well as developing main forms of classwork (musical reading and writing, music dictations) at the lessons have been disclosed.


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