Wilhelm von Lenz. Die großen Pianoforte-Virtuosen unserer Zeit aus persönlicher Bekanntschaft. Carl Tausig


The first Russian publication of the chapter from: Die großen Pianoforte-Virtuosen unserer Zeit aus persönlicher Bekanntschaft: Liszt, Chopin, Tausig, Henselt (Berlin, 1872) by Wilhelm von Lenz. It is devoted to Carl Tausig (1841–71) — one of the most prominent 19th-century piano virtuosos, Liszts favorite apprentice, whose historical significance is still neglected in modern publications on piano playing. The introducing article “‘Infaillibler Triumphator’. Carl Tausig in the Recollections by Wilhelm von Lenz” contains biographical information on both — Carl Tausig and Wilhelm von Lenz (1809–83), Russian music critic, author of the notorious Beethoven studies.

  1. Bülow H. v. Carl Tausig // Signale für die musikalische Welt. Jg. 29 (1871). Nr. 35. S. 545–553.
  2. Dowdy J. L. Carl Tausig: His Life and Works (1841–1871). University of California, Davis, 1984.
  3. Draghi G. Carl Tausig’s transcription of Franz Liszt’s “A Faust Symphony”, a critical edition of an unpublished manuscript (Doctor of Musical Arts). University of Miami, Florida, USA, 2007.
  4. Fay A. Music Study in Germany: from the Home Correspondence. 9th Ed. Chicago: McClurg & co., 1886. 352 p.
  5. Lenz W. von. Die großen Pianoforte-Virtuosen unserer Zeit aus persönlicher Bekanntschaft. Liszt. — Chopin — Tausig — Henselt. Berlin: E. Bock, 1872. 112 S.