Marina L. Nasonova


Graduated from the Piano Department of Academic Music College at Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory (under the supervision of L. V. Mohel), the Music Theory and History Department (under the supervision of Full Prof. Yu. N. Kholopov) and Piano Department (as organist, under the supervision of Full Profs. L. I. Roizman and N. N. Gureeva) of Moscow Conservatory. Ph. D. thesis: “The North German Organ School. Organ Composition as a Phenomenon of Culture” (scientific advisor —  Full Profs. Yu. N. Kholopov, 1994). Lecturer at the Music Theory Department of Moscow Conservatory (1991–1995), Associate Professor at the Music Theory Department of the Maimonides State Classical Academy (1996–1999), choirmaster at the Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Shubino, Moscow (1997–2012). As a scientific editor she collaborated with the Publishing House “ClassicaXXI” and with the Alexander Men Humanitarian and Charitable Foundation (1997–2004). Senior Researcher of the Periodicals Department of Moscow Conservatory, Senior Editor of “Journal of Moscow Conservatory” (since 2009).