Marina P. Rakhmanova


Graduated from the Department of Music History and Theory of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, where she also studied organ. For 20 years worked at the magazine “Soviet Music” /  “Musical Academy”. Since 1987 works at the State Institute for Art Studies, from 1997 till 2009 also worked as Academic Secretary at State Central Glinka Museum of Music Culture. Ph.D. (1987; thesis: Historical Sources of Operas by Mussorgsky); Doctor of Art Studies (1997; thesis: N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. The Experience of Contemporary Comprehension, published as a book in 1995). Main spheres of scientific interests are connected with Russian music — church music from the Middle Ages to the present, classical and 20th-century music. Rakhmanova is the co-author of the 10-volume History of Russian Music, 3-volume Russian Music Culture of the Second Half of the 19th Century, Russian Music and the 20th Century. She is the scientific editor of the first edition of the authentic text of Prokofiev’s music for the film “Ivan the Terrible” (1997, Hans Sikorski, Hamburg) and the first complete commented editions of sacred music by Rimsky-Korsakov and Kalinnikov (Musica Russica, USA). Head of the project of multi-volume edition Russian Sacred Music in Documents and Materials (since 1998). Scientific editor and author of articles in a number of collections of documents concerning Russian musicians, including Glinka, Rimsky-Korsakov, Rachmaninoff, Taneyev.