Gianluca Dai Prà


Gianluca Dai Pra earned a Bcl. degree in Violin at the Music Conservatory of Treviso, Italy (2008), a Master degree in Music Education and a MA in Baroque Violin at the Conservatory of Vicenca, Italy (respectively, achieved in 2011 and 2016), and a MMus in Music Theory and Analysis at the University of Calabria, Italy (2019). Until 2016, he conducted concert activities, performing both on modern and on baroque violin. Since 2002, he has been teaching — first in private schools, and then (since 2017)—in secondary and higher educational institutions. He co-edited and contributed to the educational volume “Da Mozart a Beethoven. Diario di un Liceo Musicale (From Mozart to Beethoven. Diary from a Music High School)” (published by Armelin, 2019).