Maureen Carr


Distinguished Professor of Music Theory at The Pennsylvania State University. She is author of After The Rite: Stravinsky’s Path to Neoclassicism from 1914 to 1925 (Oxford University Press, 2014), two facsimile editions for A-R Editions: Stravinsky’s Pulcinella: A Facsimile of the Sources and Sketches (2010), and Stravinsky’s Histoire du soldat: A Facsimile of the Sketches (2005). In 2002, the University of Nebraska Press published her Multiple Masks: Stravinsky’s Neoclassicism in His Dramatic Works on Greek Subjects. Her article on The Rake’s Progress (1947–1951) will appear in the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Faustian Music. Her current research focuses on Stravinsky’s use of Bach Models in his Path to Abstraction: 1929–1965.