In this article, I continue my study of the corpus of letters that documents the scientific life of Russian-Swiss musicologist and organist Jacques Handschin (1886, Moscow — 1955, Basel). In his later years, Handschin counts amongst the most prominent representatives of Western academic musicology. He headed the musicological department at Basel University, Switzerland, one of the centers of international musicology in the mid-20th century. When, in fall of 1955, Handschin suddenly fell very ill, the question of his successor arose. Manfred Bukofzer, the famous American musicologist who had been a student of Handschin, was deemed the most promising candidate. However, over the years he departed from the scientific convictions of his mentor. In this article, I present and discuss several previously unknown sources from the Jacques Handschin’s estate as well as three documents (dated fall 1955) from the correspondence of Bukofzer with Paul Sacher. This famous Swiss financier and conductor had a significant influence on the events that unfolded around the post of the Basel ordinariat. The materials presented make it possible to cast a glance at non-obvious (hidden in the depths of private correspondence), but thought-provoking stories from the history of Western musicology of the mid-twentieth century.
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